Springs Resurrection, 11x14
Psalm-19, 16x8
Beethoven's 6th, 16x8
John 1, 16x8
After the Rain 12x9
Angels-Crossing, 9x12
A Bridge Across The Arno, 12×24
A Little Bit of God's Heaven, 20×24
Sequatchie Valley, 11×18
A Reflective Pond, 18×24
Morning's Breath, Oil on Panel, 18x24
Superstition Mountains, 12×16
A Guiding Light, 12×16 SOLD
A Horse's Stable, 11×14 SOLD
A Return to the Heartland, 20×24
A Vintage Relic, 12×16
A Welcome Home, 12×9
A Winter Pond, 14×18
America the Beautiful, 12×16
An Autumn Detour, 12×16
Big Sister Creek Revisited, 14x11 SOLD
Clarence Hollow, 18x14 SOLD
Consolation, 16×18
Copeland's Sequatchie Valley, 20×24 SOLD
Ebb Tide, 12×24
Field of Dreams, Oil on Panel, 14x18 SOLD
Lark Ascending, 12×20
Last Mooring, Oil on Panel, 12×16 SOLD
Mahler's Allegro, 12×24
Mer a Bella Moment, 12×16 SOLD
No Forwarding Address, 12×9
Remembrance, 12×16
Road to One's Heart, 16×12
Silent Crossing, 12×16
Spring in the Valley, 12×16
Windswept Furroughs, 12×24 SOLD